Safeguarding, safety and privacy


Nick has an Enhanced DBS for his other volunteering roles working with children in schools. This certificate is registered on the DBS Update Service. He also has a Basic DBS check as an individual. He can provide both these certificates when required. When visiting schools, he adheres to all local safeguarding policies which he is made aware of.


The computing equipment used by the pupils during the workshops is all low-voltage battery-powered and is therefore exempt from PAT testing. All the equipment and batteries are visually-inspected prior to each workshop and if there are any signs of damage, then the equipment is removed from use. The equipment we provide within the classroom communicates on a private encrypted local Wi-Fi network, which has no connection to the internet. We do not use your school's Wi-Fi or network.

The tablets we provide are fully locked down so that they only display the content for the workshop. No apps or websites are accessible from the tablets.

Business Details

Standup Computing is a trading name of Nicholas Nurock. He is setup as a Sole Trader and registered as self-employed with HMRC.


Standup Computing has public liability insurance for up to £5 million and the equipment used during workshops is insured against accidental damage or loss. Our insurance certificate is available here .

Risk Assessment

A current risk assessment for our workshops can be downloaded here .

Data Protection

The Artificial Intelligence workshop requires that photos taken by pupils are saved and processed to allow the creation and evaluation of their Machine Learning systems. These photos may include images of other pupils or adults in the room. The workshop software has been designed so that the images are saved in a single location on the computers provided by Standup Computing within the classroom, and are never uploaded to the internet or any Cloud service. Furthermore, the images are only stored for the duration of one workshop and are shown to be deleted at the end of each workshop.

To protect against any possibility of images being shared, none of the equipment has any internet connection and there is no means for images to be transmitted outside the classroom.

For more information, please see our Privacy Policy .